Muscle weighs more than fat - say what?!

transformation, before and after

Same 140 lbs here, completely different body!

Oh my gosh, if I had a dollar for every time I heard this…

I would have an endless supply of pizza for life! 

Yes, every time I talk to someone thinking about losing weight or beginning a new workout routine, our convos go a little like this… 

Me “I'm so pumped you're here! Ok so what are your goals?”

You “Well, I want to lose weight (or just some fat) and ‘tone up" but I don't want to lift very heavy or get too big" 

Me “Ok, so what I'm hearing is, you want to build more muscle?”

You “Welllll I just want to tighten things up, but I DON'T want to BULK up. I don't want to gain any weight, I want to lose weight'

Me “Ah, ok so you really want to SEE your muscles pop a lil right?”

You “Yes! Smoother skin, a baby bicep, maybe some abs, or more lifted booty”  

Are you listening? We're talking about the same thing! 


Workouts you don’t want to try unless you really want to see those muscles pop!


So muscle weighs MORE than fat right? Is that why the scale isn't moving? 


50lbs is 50lbs but it can look SOOO different on everybody. 

✌️ Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat, but it's denser meaning it takes up less space.

The solution?

Weight training and eating enough all day baby! 

You’re going to LOVE this analogy I told my client today. 

IMAGINE you packed your allotted 50lbs into your carry-on 
(who feels personally attacked by this?)

Now imagine, you've packed it into an oversized bag and you have room to spare. 
That 50lbs is floating around during transit, so yea it feels looser. 

When your body shrinks from ‘weight loss’ it doesn’t always APPEAR ON THE SCALE!

50lbs is 50lbs but it can look SOOO different on everybody.

Muscle takes us less space and therefore, my body has been roughly 140-145lbs for the last 8 years (YUP you read that right).

But it has fluctuated in size SO much.

If you’re ready to really see those muscles pop, the monthly training schedule at TCF On Demand will keep your mind and your body guessing.

  • Each month, I refresh the calendar with brand new programming (meaning you’ll follow a new schedule every month) and NEW workouts each week - AH!

  • 30-45minutes of weight training, guidance no what to fit in every other day of the week, and you know your CORE will be involved if you’re working out with me.

  • Options for every single exercise making this the most CHALLENGING or most APPROACHABLE workout program out there

  • Get those athlete vibes back into your life, with the feel of a routine, a coach to push you and a team to hold you accountable via our FB group!