Training Camp 100! FREE Activity Calendar


Let’s get moving!!! It’s the perfect time to get outside, in some states the weather is absolutely gorgeous. For others, dance cardio might be your movement of choice in the living room. Go you!

My goal in this lifetime, is to get as many people moving in the world, as possible! If that means dancing, swimming, jumprope, running, biking, or roller blading, I’m your advocate. In order for us to stay heart healthy during this time of isolation, it’s important for us to get our heart rate up for some extended period of time.

Training Camp 100 (100 days of movement)

Today I’m kicking off a movement challenge that I think we all need at the moment. Each day, you can CROSS OFF the number of points you get. 100 points for 100 days! It feels so satisfying to cross things off doesn’t it?

I have found the most approachable way to do this, is to break it up into 10 minute blocks.

For this challenge, you can keep track of your #movementpoints

10 minutes of cardio= 1 movement point

Be sure to check in! On Instagram and Facebook

Ariana Michelle Travelstead


Tag #trainingcamp100 #movedayX fill this in with the day you’re on!
I’m sharing a story-version of the calendar over there today as well.

You may find yourself able to get in 3-5 movement points per day, but so we don’t get overwhelmed I just want to encourage you to start small! If you get to 100 by day 50, GREAT for you! But let’s just take it ONE DAY at a time =)

Make sure you’re getting that heart rate up! Here are some ideas:

Brisk Walk

Roller Blading

Stroller Jogging

HIIT Cardio (Check out my IG page for some ideas!)




Total Body Movements Tabata Style (20 sec on, 10 seconds rest)



Now let’s get moving! Download the printable below!